Bradley Method® Classes (
Nearly 90% of Bradley Method® moms having vaginal births do so without pain medication
Classes offered in Shreveport and Bossier on a regular basis. Next series is planned for August, 2019. Check for updates or get in touch with me, and I will be able to give you information about your options and answer questions about my classes or the Bradley® Method.
In 2004 I gave birth to my first baby without drugs or complications after having taken a course in the Bradley Method®. In 2010 I trained with the AAHCC (American Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth) to become a teacher of the Bradley Method® and in 2011 began teaching my first couples.
The Bradley Method® teaches
- women to tune into their body and work with their labors so they can birth without medication and routine interventions
- husbands/ partners to give effective support to the laboring woman
- relaxation techniques, comfort measures, and positions that work for labor and reduce and even eliminate unnecessary pain
- exercises that prepare the body for labor/ birth
- mechanics of pushing
- excellent nutrition to help mom and baby stay healthy and low risk
- basic breastfeeding techniques
- consumerism--including how to choose a care provider and how to write a birth plan
Ultimately, my classes connect couples with other like minded folks and make everyone aware of all the choices they have in childbirth. My goal is to help you acquire the knowledge and training necessary to make the choices that are right for you and your family. We do labor rehearsals, practice relaxation, view birth videos, and engage in informative discussions. There will even be time for educational games! The time will pass quickly and be well worth your while.